16 research outputs found

    A Review of the Eastern Partnership after Ten Years: the Need to Reconsider its Efficacy

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    This article analyses the effectiveness and prospects of the Eastern Partnership in the context of its ten-year implementation and the results of the Brussels Summit of 2017. The paper focuses on the current stage of the progress of the EaP partner states and the internal challenges of their development. A significant part of the article is devoted to Russia’s influence on the Europeanisation process of the Eastern European countries and the weak incentives from the EU towards these countries. The Normative Power concept was used to analyse the EU-Eastern European countries bi- and multilateral relations within the Eastern Partnership co-operation, taking into consideration that the EU norms and regulations’ implementation in Eastern Europe do not guarantee political normalisation in these countries. We conclude that after ten years of functioning, the Eastern Partnership has little capacity to influence political elite, domestic and regional processes in Eastern Europe, because depoliticised functional approach and the EU long-term incentives are not enough for the partners

    Evolução da política de vizinhança da União Europeia em relação à Ucrânia, Moldávia e Bielorrússia (2003-2014)

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Sociais - especialidade de Relações InternacionaisA investigação junta-se à discussão vibrante nas ciências políticas sobre o desenvolvimento da Política Europeia de Vizinhança e da sua dimensão oriental. A política está baseada na abordagem regional da União Europeia. Portanto, a evolução da Parceria Oriental está profundamente dependente de políticas externas dos Estados-Membros e das instituições da UE. A tese também pretende estudar as relações bilaterais entre a UE e a Bielorrússia, a Moldávia e a Ucrânia. A Europa Oriental tem a importância significativa no subcontinente europeu. Nesse sentido, eu estudei ferramentas de influência da União Europeia e da Rússia no “Vizinhança Comum”, os instrumentos do poder brando e duro, também os projetos de integração de Moscovo e a guerra híbrida da Rússia. Além disso, participando na resolução das crises na Ucrânia e na Moldávia, a UE tem vindo a aumentar o seu potencial como ator político global. O desenvolvimento da tese baseia-se na análise dos dados empíricos, juntamente com abordagens teóricas, que são divididos em dois grupos – abordagens nucleares (neoliberalismo, neorrealismo e Normative Power Europe) e uma série de teorias complementares. Portanto, a investigação foi dividido em quatro capítulos, tentando descrever uma conexão e interdependência dessas áreas.This dissertation joins a vibrant conversation in the political sciences about the development of the European Neighbourhood Policy and its Eastern dimension. The Policy stands on regional approach of the European Union. The evolution of the Eastern Partnership henceforth is profoundly dependent upon foreign policies of the Member States and the EU institutions. The thesis also intends to study the bilateral relations between the EU and Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Eastern Europe has а significant importance in the European subcontinent. In this sense, I studied tools of influence of the European Union and Russia in the “Shared Neighbourhood”, the soft and hard power instruments together with the Moscow-led integration projects and the hybrid war of Russia. Moreover, participating in the crisis settlement resolution in Ukraine and Moldova, the EU has been increasing its potential as a global political actor. The development of the proposal model of research is based upon the analysis of the empirical data together with theoretical approaches, which are divided into two groups – nuclear approaches (neo-liberalism, neo-realism and Normative Power Europe) and a range of complementary theories. Therefore, the study was divided into four chapters, trying to describe a connection and interdependence of these areas.N/

    Магніторезистивні та магнітооптичні властивості композитних матеріалів з впровадженими наночастинками

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    Об’єкти досліджень – процеси фазоутворення, концентраційні та температурні ефекти в магніторезистивних та магнітооптичних властивостях функціональних елементів сенсорів неелектричних величин, сформованих на основі плівкових композитних матеріалів з впровадженими наночастинками. Мета проекту полягає у встановленні нових закономірностей в структурних, фазових, магніторезистивних і магнітооптичних властивостях композитних матеріалів на основі феромагнітних сплавів NiFe, FeCo або магнітних наночастинок НЧ (Co, Ni та оксиди Fe) у залежності від об’ємної концентрації магнітної компоненти, типу немагнітної матриці (провідна - Ag або Сu чи діелектрична – SiO), а також у залежності від температурного режиму обробки зразків

    Вплив фізичних процесів на властивості спін-вентильних структур на основі плівок Fe, Co ТА Ag, Аu, Сu і магнітних наночастинок

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    Процеси фазоутворення, кристалізації, взаємної дифузії атомів під впливом температури та їх взаємозв’язок із електрофізичними, магніторезистивними та магнітооптичними властивостями спін-вентильних структур на основі Fe, Co та Ag, Au, Cu і магнітних наночастинок Fe3O4, CoFe2O4 та NiFe2O4. Мета роботи полягала у встановленні оптимальних умов формування функціональних елементів спін-клапанних структур на основі Fe і Co та Au і Cu абоAg та упорядкованих масивів НЧ Fe3O4, CoFe2O4 та NiFe2O4 з наперед заданими властивостями

    Вплив фізичних процесів на властивості спін-вентильних структур на основі плівок Fe, Co ТА Ag, Аu, Сu і магнітних наночастинок

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    Процеси фазоутворення, кристалізації, взаємної дифузії атомів під впливом температури та їх взаємозв’язок із електрофізичними, магніторезистивними та магнітооптичними властивостями спін-вентильних структур на основі Fe, Co та Ag, Au, Cu і магнітних наночастинок Fe3O4, CoFe2O4 та NiFe2O4. Мета роботи полягала у встановленні оптимальних умов формування функціональних елементів спін-клапанних структур на основі Fe і Co та Au і Cu абоAg та упорядкованих масивів НЧ Fe3O4, CoFe2O4 та NiFe2O4 з наперед заданими властивостями

    Польська позиція щодо східного партнерства

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    The article seeks to assess the degree to which Poland exercises power and influence in the Eastern policy of the European Union (EU) from the early 21st century until now, focusing on the attributes of Poland’s latest contribution to the EU policies – the Eastern Partnership (EaP). It aims to achieve these objectives to determine challenges from Poland in Eastern Europe and to consider discussion on Polish strategy towards its Eastern neighboursneighbors.Poland particularly wants to get involved in the shaping of the eastern dimension of the EU, mainly through active participation in the Eastern Dimension. Poles especially wish to prevent new barriers and divisions at the EU’s eastern border from being built. This experience made Poland more aware of the problems faced by the eastern neighbours in the process of transformations suggested by the EU. The fact that Poland understands the situation of the neighbouring states encourages it to adopt an active role in the Eastern policy. Understanding the problems of these states can help the EU offer more concrete action plans and further help.Poland, as the largest border country in the eastern part of the EU, has naturally become the representative of EU’s eastern policy. Particular stress has been put on relations with Ukraine, which is a new neighbor for the EU, but a traditional partner for Poland, with which it collaborates in many areas. However, this does not mean that Poland does not feel responsible for shaping the EU’s relations with its other eastern partners, e.g. Russia and Belarus, which sometimes proves difficult.The article seeks to assess the degree to which Poland exercises power and influence in the Eastern policy of the European Union (EU) from the early 21st century until now, focusing on the attributes of Poland’s latest contribution to the EU policies – the Eastern Partnership (EaP). It aims to achieve these objectives to determine challenges from Poland in Eastern Europe and to consider discussion on Polish strategy towards its Eastern neighboursneighbors.Poland particularly wants to get involved in the shaping of the eastern dimension of the EU, mainly through active participation in the Eastern Dimension. Poles especially wish to prevent new barriers and divisions at the EU’s eastern border from being built. This experience made Poland more aware of the problems faced by the eastern neighbours in the process of transformations suggested by the EU. The fact that Poland understands the situation of the neighbouring states encourages it to adopt an active role in the Eastern policy. Understanding the problems of these states can help the EU offer more concrete action plans and further help.Poland, as the largest border country in the eastern part of the EU, has naturally become the representative of EU’s eastern policy. Particular stress has been put on relations with Ukraine, which is a new neighbor for the EU, but a traditional partner for Poland, with which it collaborates in many areas. However, this does not mean that Poland does not feel responsible for shaping the EU’s relations with its other eastern partners, e.g. Russia and Belarus, which sometimes proves difficult

    Positions of the Visegrad four countries and the Baltic States on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

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    The article analyses the positions of the Visegrad Group and the Baltic countries on the Russia-Ukraine conflict that erupted in 2014. The authors prove that Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are united by perception that the Russian aggression in Ukraine is a threat to their national security, they support for tough policy of anti-Russian sanctions in the international arena, and assist Ukraine and the level of declarations and at the level of action. Nonetheless, level of their participation and support for Ukraine depends on their actual capabilities and domestic and foreign policy priorities. Reactions of other V4 countries to events in Ukraine are more restrained and vary from quiet pragmatism in Slovakia to clear pro-Russian voices in the Czech Republic and Hungary. It is unlikely, however, that their position can be a real obstacle to the implementation of the common EU action in the near future

    Wymiar wschodni polityki Unii Europejskiej i Polski

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    The article seeks to assess the degree to which Poland exercises power and influence in the Eastern policy of the European Union (EU) from the early 21st century until now, focusing on the attributes of Poland’s latest contribution to the EU policies – the Eastern Partnership (EaP). The article examines also challenges and discussions on Polish strategy towards Eastern Europe. The authors prove that the main points of Poland’s Eastern policy are that the improper attention to it will result in loss of status positions in the international arena; Poland should not be limited by the role of the architect artist in Franco-German project in Europe; European perspective is the only incentive that can encourage the reforms in Eastern Europe; the failure to provide such a perspective would lead to social and economic instability in the region and the drift towards the participation in reintegration projects in post-Soviet space with Moscow; the Eastern Partnership should be considered as a step towards the joining the EU; Europe will take Poland into consideration only as a regional leader; Russian neo-imperialism is a challenge for Poland’s security and needs a strict reaction.Artykuł stara się oszacować, w jakim stopniu Polska sprawuje władzę i wykorzystuje wpływy w ramach polityki wschodniej Unii Europejskiej (UE) od początku XXI wieku do chwili obecnej, skupiając się na właściwościach ostatniego wkładu Polski w politykę Unii, mianowicie programu Partnerstwa Wschodniego (EaP). W artykule poddano również badaniu wyzwania i dyskusje dotyczące polskiej strategii wobec Europy Wschodniej. Autorzy dowodzą, że główne punkty polskiej polityki wschodniej koncentrują się wokół następujących zagadnień: 1) Niewłaściwa uwaga przywiązywana do tej polityki będzie skutkować utratą statusu na arenie międzynarodowej; 2) Polska nie powinna być ograniczana rolą statysty we francusko-niemieckim projekcie dla Europy; 3) Perspektywa europejska jest jedynym bodźcem zdolnym pobudzić proces reform w Europie Wschodniej; 4) Porażka w promowaniu takiej perspektywy może prowadzić do społecznego i ekonomicznego zachwiania w regionie, a tym samym do pchnięcia go w kierunku udziału w projektach reintegracyjnych odbywających się w przestrzeni postsowieckiej pod dyktando Moskwy; 5) Partnerstwo Wschodnie powinno być postrzegane jako krok w kierunku integracji z Unią Europejską; 6) Europa będzie liczyć się z Polską tylko jako liderem regionu; 7) Rosyjski neoimperializm stanowi wyzwanie dla bezpieczeństwa Polski i wymaga zdecydowanej reakcji

    Digital Transformation as Economic Development Driver

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу сучасного стану та перспектив впливу цифрової трансформації на сферу економіки, визначенню ролі і місця цифровізації через призму еволюційних змін. В ході дослідження визначено переваги від цифрової трансформації які отримує як держава, так і населення та бізнес. На основі причинно-наслідкової залежностіміж темпами цифрової трансформації економіки України та рівня споживання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, доведено необхідність розбудови програм цифровізації всіх секторів економіки та сфер життєдіяльності. Розроблено підходи щодо реалізації інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у фінансовому секторі та впровадження провідних технологічних рішень Індустрії 4.0 в діяльність промислових підприємств. Запропоновано архітектоніку платформи цифрової трансформації діяльності суб’єкта бізнесу,що базується на взаємодії управління з клієнтами, акціонерами, контрагентами та партнерами.The research paper is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of the digital trans-formation effect on the economy sphere, the determination of the digitalization role and place through the evolutionary changes prism from the industrial-market to the information-network economy.For determining the content-contextual relationships that arise in the studies of the economy digi-tal transformation, the bibliometric analysis of the keywords of scientific research papers, which are indexed by the Web of Science scientometric database, was carried out. The economy digital trans-formation definition is presented and the beneficial effects of the digital transformation of processes and objects are outlined. In the course of the study, the digital transformation advantages, which are obtained by the state, the population and business, were determined, and the theoretical aspects of the formation and functioning of the digital economy were considered. In the research paper the necessity of developing digitalization programs of all economy sectors and spheres of life is proved on the base of the cause-and-effect relationship between the digital transformation rates of Ukraine’s economy and consumption level of information and communication technologies. Approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies in the financial sector are proposed,because of the functioning of multi-level and differentiated system of financial institutions and the intro-duction of leading technological solutions of Industry 4.0 into the industrial enterprises activity, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency and productivity of work and it is the basis for further changes and improvements of existing business-processes. The platform architecture for the digital transformation of the business entity is proposed on the base of the interaction of management with customers, shareholders, counterparties and partners. This digital platform effectiveness is achieved through mutually beneficial innovative development, the formation of the digital economy of the future on the base of constant technological updating

    Grain growth in open systems

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    Grain growth in open systems is analyzed for the cases of flux-driven ripening during soldering, flux-driven lateral growth during deposition of thin films, flux-driven lateral growth during reactive growth of intermediate phase, flux-driven lateral growth of antiphase domains in FCC-phase A3B and BCC-phase AB during the diffusion growth of ordered phase layer